Spring 1999
March/April 1999:
Here we are, back from down-under, settling into our RV lifestyle once again! It’s an interesting transition: from the wide open spaces of Australia to our “home on wheels”. In many ways travel by plane, boat and car was easy, although living out of a suitcase for four weeks was no fun; our RV has “everything” we need, right here, when we need it.
Before hitting the road, we spent three weeks at our favorite RV Resort in Escondido, enjoying the mild climate of southern California. Our Spring Conference was in San Diego, and shortly after that it was time for these Nomads to move on.
On April 5th we set off for Arizona and spent our first night in Quartzsite. This gave us the opportunity for a side trip to Lake Havasu City to take a look at the original London Bridge (quite a different location!) On to Phoenix for a few days, working with some new team members, and then we parked the RV and drove to Colorado.
We love staying in B&B’s and would thoroughly recommend The Apple Orchard Inn in Durango.
From Durango it was a short hop to see our son and daughter-in-law in Vail, and to our delight we were able to enjoy some unexpected late winter skiing!
Back to Phoenix to collect the RV, and on to Green Valley, AZ, to see Ted and Julie Baily, who once again kindly allowed us to park in their cul-de-sac. We met several of their friends, many of whom are now taking our products.
Then we were headed back to Dallas, which still feels like home – not too surprising as we lived there for 11 years, and especially as our friends always seem so pleased to see us! A week later, however, we were off to Kentucky, this time sans RV. We had been invited to be trainers at the Kentucky Lakes Boot Camp, which was so much fun, and the following week we spent with our growing team in Frankfort.
Kentucky reminds us very much of southern England, so we felt quite at home! While in the area we did some sightseeing.
Driving south to the historic town of Harrodsburg, we spent Mother’s Day weekend in the wonderful old Beaumont Inn, built in 1845. We also visited the famous Shaker Village, a fascinating glimpse back in time.
We drove back to Dallas, our base for the next four weeks, and we thoroughly enjoyed meeting up with friends we hadn’t seen for a long while. We took part in several health seminars and worked with many of our team. I even went horseback riding a couple of times in McKinney! But we were now into June and the weather was beginning to get rather hot, so it was with some relief when, on June 16th (my birthday!), we were able to head off once again to the cool mountains of Colorado. That’s certainly one of the advantages of being mobile!
We enjoyed three very special events in the next four weeks. First was the Colorado Rockies Boot Camp – a weekend packed full of training, fellowship and fun, culminating in a day of white water rafting. It was during this trip that Mick astounded me by jumping 30’ from a rock into the river – and this, a man who never had a head for heights. (Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?!) Second was a Healthcare Seminar we arranged, focusing on women’s health issues, which was very well attended. And last, but by no means least, was the glorious day we hiked up to Hanging Lake near Glenwood Springs, with our good friends Wayne and Joan Stageman.
It has certainly been a wonderful year so far, but somehow I feel that the best is yet to come, as on July 10th I fly off to London to begin a 9-week tour of Europe. But that’s a whole new chapter!
Hope to see you again soon. Happy Trails!